Fun and Interesting Facts About Tortoises and Turtles

How much do you know about tortoises and turtles? In this post, we share some fun and fascinating facts about tortoises and turtles that you may not already know. They really are captivating creatures! All Tortoises are Turtles, But Not All Turtles are Tortoises Tortoises are a sub-group of turtles, so they are all technically Read More

Coping with the loss of a pet

Coping with the loss of a pet can be traumatic. We love our pets so much and losing them can be devastating. It is normal to take time to grieve for their loss. In fact, grieving is an important step of helping yourself to get past the pain. If you have recently lost a pet Read More

How to Choose the Right Cattery or Kennels

Leaving your cat or dog behind while you go on holiday can be a distressing idea for many pet owners. However, you can make the situation less distressing by booking your pet into a cattery or boarding kennel that you can trust to look after your pet. Not all catteries and kennels are the same, Read More

Food To Feed Your Parrot

Good food to feed your parrot… Seeds, pellets and nuts should account for no more than half of your parrot’s daily food intake. By themselves, these foods will not provide adequate nutrition for your bird and deficiencies and ill health become more likely. The remainder of your parrot’s diet should be made up of grains, Read More

A Complete Guide to Owning A Puppy

Owning a puppy is a fun challenge but there are a few things that you’ll need to think about, such as neutering, vaccinations, pet insurance and behaviour training. To make things less daunting, we’ve put together this guide for new puppy owners. NB: This guide is not intended to provide specific veterinary advice. If you Read More

Why Is My Ageing Dog So Restless at Night?

Older dogs can experience behavioural changes as they get older, and it’s not too uncommon for them to be affected by restlessness, especially at night. Like many of the issues that affect dogs as they age, this is not just an inevitable side effect of getting older and can be a sign that something is Read More

Introduce a New Cat to Your Home

Introducing a new cat to your home is a really exciting time but it can be a scary and traumatic time for your new pet.  The new change in environment and routine can be extremely disorientating and unnerving, especially if your new furry friend has come from a place in which they felt comfortable and Read More

How To Train A Rabbit

Do you know how to train a rabbit? Rabbits can be trained to respond to you and even to use a litter tray. Rabbits tend to be quick learners and once you’ve successfully taught him or her how to behave, this will quickly become an ingrained habit. Here are our tips for training your rabbit: Read More

Looking After Your Rabbit

Rabbits are a very popular family pet. Though they may seem like an easy, low maintenance pet (which they are, in some respects), rabbits do still require a lot of care and attention, which means that you must be sure that you have the time and resources to be able to care for them properly. Read More

Does my cat have fleas?

Does my cat have fleas? This is one of the most common questions cat owners ask themselves, the moment they see their cat having a scratch. If your cat is host to a severe flea infestation, you may actually see fleas on your pet but in most cases, it won’t be that obvious. Here are some Read More