Skin Tags on Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Dogs can get skin tags on their body, similar to the ones that we get. Skin tags are small, relatively common growths of skin, which can appear anywhere on a dog’s body. They are usually harmless, and often there is no medical need to have them removed. In this blog we’ll go into detail about Read More

Hay Fever in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

For many of us, the pollen season can bring lots of unwanted symptoms like a runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy eyes and sneezing. In fact, the NHS estimates that 1 in 5 people will suffer from hay fever at some point in their lives. But, what about dogs? Can pollen affect dogs in this way Read More

Should I Get my Dog Neutered?

Neutering is where a vet removes the reproductive organs from a cat or dog so that they become infertile. In male dogs this process is known as castration and in female dogs it’s called spaying. Both castration and spaying are both routine procedures, and dogs are usually sent home the same day and do not Read More

Should I Neuter My Cat?

Neutering is a routine procedure carried out by a vet, where the reproductive organs are removed from your cat. This process causes the cat to become infertile. Neutering is known as castration in male cats, and in females it’s called spaying. Both castration and spaying are performed under general anaesthetic, and cats can usually come Read More

Can Dogs Eat Chocolate?

Those of us lucky enough to have them will be tucking into plenty of Easter eggs and other chocolate treats over the Easter weekend. However, as much as your dog might try to persuade you otherwise, you should never give chocolate to them. Chocolate can be very dangerous for dogs, and if consumed in large Read More

Dog Travel Sickness: How to Help

Dog travel sickness can be a common problem in dogs of all ages, from puppies to adult dogs. It can make travel extremely stressful for both pets and their owners, especially if you want to enjoy adventures a long way away from home. While travel sickness tablets for dogs can be a good short term Read More

What is a Faecal Worm Egg Count?

A faecal worm egg count (FWEC) measures the number of worm eggs contained in a sample of your horse’s dung, to indicate whether you need to give your horse a wormer or not. The life cycle of most worms involves the horse inadvertently ingesting worm eggs or larvae from the pasture. These develop in the Read More

A Seasonal Worming Schedule for Horses

Why You Need a Seasonal Worming Schedule for Horses To help keep your horse free from illness, you need a proper plan of action for controlling worms. Parasite life cycles are linked to the seasons, so your worming schedule should take into account the time of year. In addition you need to consider the problem Read More

‘Dog Dementia’: Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

As some dogs get older, their brain function declines. This can lead to behavioural changes and confusion, not unlike dementia in people. This blog discusses what ‘dog dementia’ can look like in our pups, the signs to watch out for, and how to treat the condition. While it’s not a condition that can be reversed Read More

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Hyperthyroidism is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions in senior cats. It’s caused by an over-active thyroid gland and can result in a range of symptoms, which we’ll explore in this blog. There are various treatments available to help cats with hyperthyroidism, and in most cases the treatment is successful. This blog will look Read More