Animed Direct’s Top Pet Names

Getting a new cat or dog is one of the world’s greatest pleasures, second of course to naming your new furry friend. When our lovely customers sign up we ask for their pet’s name, so we’ve pawed through our database to bring you our list of your absolute favourite names. Our list of names includes 508,252 dogs and 264,365 cats that have been submitted by you. 

If you’ve just found yourself a fluffy new friend, but you’re struggling to think of the perfect name, check out our list of top pet names for some inspiration.

Top 10 cat and dog names

We took a look at the most commonly used cat and dog names from our list, and the results are in.

When it comes to the boys, Alfie, Charlie and Oscar appear to be firm favourite boys names for both cats and dogs, and Poppy, Molly and Bella hold the top spot for the girl’s names.

Top 10 Cat Names Girls BoysTop 10 Dog Names Girls Boys

Top names alphabetically

Want to know your ABC’s of cat and dog names? We dug into our data to find what the top names are by their first initial. Cats with names that begin with an M are a clear winner, while names like Bella, Bailey and Buddy have pushed B to the top of the list for dogs.

Most popular cat names by first initialMost popular dog names by first initial

Cat most popular names by first initialDog most popular names by first initial

Human vs non-human names

Do you love naming your pet after your favourite celebrity? Or maybe your human-like kitten or puppy just needs a name to go with their characteristic personality. We took the top 200 names from our list to see which you prefer, and the results are in…Our research shows that human names are a lot more popular than non-human names. It seems we’d rather have a Fred than a Fluffy, with nearly 88% of dogs and 75% of cats being named after their human counterparts.

Human vs Non Human Cat NamesHuman vs Non Human Dog Names

Our favourites

We felt that some of the more unique pet names deserved a special mention, so we’ve rounded up our absolute favourite names submitted. 

Funny/unique names

Sometimes we can’t resist giving the apple of our eyes a fun name to go with their equally fun personality. We love the unique names some of our customers have given their bundles of joy, and here are our top ten favourites.

Unique cat namesUnique dog names

Celebrity names

Whether they’re named after a Greek god, your favourite TV icon or singer, we sure love a celebrity pet name here at Animed. From Zeus and Loki to Sooty and Sweep, these are your most loved celebrity names for your cats and dogs. 

Celebrity cat namesCelebrity dog names

Food names

Who knew pets could be so tasty? With ‘Fudge’ topping the chart for food based names for both cats and dogs, and plenty of tasty food based names appearing in the list, it seems you love naming your furry friends after your favourite sweet treat.

Food cat namesFood dog names

Mr/s names

Giving your cats and dogs a personality of their own is important for a lot of pet owners, and what better way to do this than to make them a Mr or Mrs in your home? Although, it seems Mr is more popular than Mrs! 

Mr and Mrs cat namesMr and Mrs dog names

And there we have it, these are Animed Direct’s customer’s top cat and dog names. Where does your furry companion fit in the list? Does your pet’s name sit in one of our top lists? We’d love to hear your thoughts!