The information in this article was reviewed and approved by registered veterinary nurse, Beth Walker Nothing can prepare you for the heartbreak of losing a pet. Our cats, dogs and other furry friends form such a big part of our lives, making us smile with their unique personalities and unconditional love for us. So, when Read More
What is a Faecal Worm Egg Count?
On February 14, 2024
A faecal worm egg count (FWEC) measures the number of worm eggs contained in a sample of your horse’s dung, to indicate whether you need to give your horse a wormer or not. The life cycle of most worms involves the horse inadvertently ingesting worm eggs or larvae from the pasture. These develop in the Read More
A Seasonal Worming Schedule for Horses
On February 13, 2024
Why You Need a Seasonal Worming Schedule for Horses To help keep your horse free from illness, you need a proper plan of action for controlling worms. Parasite life cycles are linked to the seasons, so your worming schedule should take into account the time of year. In addition you need to consider the problem Read More
Book regular 6 monthly veterinary examinations for Equine Cushing’s disease
On July 8, 2021
Once your horse is stable on treatment and their Equine Cushing’s disease is under control, it is recommended that they are re-examined by their veterinary surgeon every 6 months. This is to ensure that any signs that the disease is not under control are identified promptly, and the treatment and management strategies adjusted accordingly. Why Read More
Equine Cushing’s disease blood test
On June 24, 2021
Horses with untreated or uncontrolled Equine Cushing’s disease are at a high risk of developing signs associated with this disease such as laminitis, repeated infections, muscle wastage, lethargy, poor coat quality, and increased drinking and urination…. so it’s important to ensure that the treatment you are administering is working and controlling this disease. Why horses Read More
What does a diagnosis of Equine Cushing’s disease mean?
On June 18, 2021
Finding out that your horse has or may have a disease is always a worrying time. Rest assured though that a diagnosis of Equine Cushing’s disease does not mean your horse’s quality of life is going to suffer. Equine Cushing’s disease is a common diagnosis for older horses and ponies: it is estimated that one Read More
Could your Horse have Equine Cushing’s disease?
On June 8, 2021
Have you noticed your horse becoming more lethargic? Or that they haven’t shed their winter coat as normal? Or maybe they have suffered from repeated infections or laminitis recently? Have you noticed that their bedding is more wet than normal? Or a change in their condition or topline? If you have noticed any of these Read More
Animed Direct’s Favourites: Top 10 UK Pet Influencers
On August 17, 2020
Influencers have well and truly become part of our lives. From product reviews, style advice and makeup tips to DIY advice, home decor tips and computer game walkthroughs, there’s an influencer for everything – including pets! Yes, Instagram has turned our furry friends into celebrities, and here at Animed Direct we couldn’t be happier about Read More
What is PPID? (formerly known as Equine Cushing’s Disease)
On March 14, 2018
What is PPID? You may be more familiar with its former name, Cushing’s disease. PPID is a hormonal disease which tends to affect ponies and horses over the age of 15. Note: Cushing’s is also a disease which can affect dogs and people, although equine Cushing’s is a different disease and has different symptoms. It’s Read More
Buying a new horse? Our essential budgeting & health tips
On January 25, 2018
Selecting and buying a new horse is an exciting time. It may be your first, a successor to a much-loved companion, or an addition to your stable and family. Whatever your situation, there are many key considerations required. The health of your next horse or pony is one of the most important factors you Read More