Do Ferrets Make Good Pets?

Do ferrets make good pets?

Do Ferrets Make Good Pets? A ferret may not be the most obvious choice of pet but it can work well for those who don’t mind putting some effort into caring for them, in exchange for a pet that is usually fun, friendly and playful. Not sure if a ferret would be the right kind of pet for you? Here’s our guide to looking after ferrets to help you decide whether they would make a good addition to your home.

Caring for Ferrets

Ferret cages must be sturdy and secure to prevent inquisitive and ingenious attempts to escape. Ideally, the floor space should be at least 2 square feet, and the cage should be at least 4 feet in height. This will give your ferret plenty of room to move about without feeling trapped, and space to explore too.

Most ferrets will benefit from having the company of another ferret, with both having their own spaces in the home. If this is not possible or you choose for this not to the case, you will need to make sure that your ferret is given lots of attention and company from yourself.

Ferrets can be demanding pets, not least because they need almost constant supervision when they are outside of their cage due to their inquisitive nature. They like to explore their surroundings, especially with their mouths. You’ll therefore need to make sure that they can’t access anything poisonous or hazardous, and keep a very close eye on them.

Ferrets require daily handling from a young age. Given that they can have a nasty bite, they should be socialised as soon as possible to discourage any aggressive behaviour.

Ferrets are strict carnivores and need a meat-based diet. They are not able to break down lots of fibre or complex carbs, and these should not be given to them as staples or snacks. Due to their high metabolic rates, ferrets must eat small amounts of food on a regular basis, rather than once or twice per day as with most pets.

There must be access to clean and fresh water at all times. If this is not the case, your ferret could become very ill.

Being able to play is vital for the wellbeing of ferrets and they will need plenty of opportunities to engage in these type of activities.

Life Expectancy

Ferrets can potentially live up to 10 years but the average lifespan is around 6 years.

Are Ferrets Suitable Pets for Children?

Because ferrets are quite a demanding type of pet and require responsible handling under adult supervision, they are not suitable for young children. Experts have suggested that they are best suited to children that are at least 6-7 years old.

Can Ferrets Co-Exist Happily with Other Pets?

The natural hunting instincts of ferrets means that they will need to be closely supervised if there are small animals, fish and/or birds in the home. They can potentially be encouraged to live with cats and dogs, especially with the right type of gentle introduction between the pets.