Heatstroke in Cats: Spotting the Signs and How to Cool Them

The information in this article was reviewed and approved by registered veterinary nurse, Beth Walker Cats tend to be better than dogs at regulating their own body temperatures since their ancestors originally came from the desert, but when the summer heat strikes, our feline friends can still sometimes suffer from overheating and dehydration. Heatstroke is Read More

Cat Skin Conditions: How Can I Soothe My Cat’s Itchy Skin?

The information in this article was reviewed and approved by registered veterinary nurse, Beth Walker Skin is the largest organ of a cat’s body, making up as much as a quarter of their weight. It has many important jobs, including regulating temperature and providing a protective barrier against the environment. Cat skin conditions can weaken Read More

Should I Neuter My Cat?

The information in this article was reviewed and approved by registered veterinary nurse, Beth Walker Neutering is a routine procedure carried out by a vet, where the reproductive organs are removed from your cat. This process causes the cat to become infertile. Neutering is known as castration in male cats, and in females it’s called Read More

How Often Should You Worm a Dog or Cat?

The information in this article was reviewed and approved by registered veterinary nurse, Beth Walker In order to protect your dog or cat, regular worming treatments are really important, as are flea treatments. As well as causing severe irritation and spreading diseases, fleas can transmit tapeworm. In severe cases, worm infections can even be fatal. Read More

10 Ways to Create a Cat-friendly Garden

Most cats love to venture outdoors, enjoying climbing opportunities, look-out posts, sunny spots to snooze in, things to scratch, and other sensory experiences. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, there are lots of things you can do to make it fun and enriching for your cat, addressing all of these feline needs and Read More

Active Ingredients in Flea Treatments: 6 FAQs

As every responsible pet owner knows, regular flea treatment is essential to keeping these pesky parasites at bay. There are so many flea treatments available, but what are the differences and how do we choose between them? Why are some flea treatments available over the counter, yet others require a prescription? In this blog, we’ll Read More

Intestinal Worms in Dogs and Cats

There are several different types of internal parasites that can affect your cat or dog. This blog looks at the four most common types of intestinal worms, which primarily affect the gastrointestinal system. Left untreated, intestinal worms can cause serious illness in your cat or dog, particularly kittens and puppies. In this blog, we’ll go Read More

How to Remove a Tick From a Dog or Cat

With spring in the air, your furry friend will be keen to venture outdoors and enjoy some fun in the sun. But as the weather warms up, that’s when ticks are at their most active. These nasty parasites are often lurking in grassy areas and woodland, waiting to feed on passing dogs, cats and people. Read More

The Best Flea Treatment for Cats

Whether your cat loves to spend their day outside or curled up on the sofa, all cats are at risk of getting fleas – even over winter. The only way to keep these pesky parasites at bay is to give your cat a high quality flea treatment on a regular basis. Flea treatments are available Read More

Best Flea Treatment for Kittens and Puppies

Welcoming a new puppy or kitten into your home is hugely exciting, but there’s lots to think about! Flea, tick and worm treatment, for example, should be near the top of your to-do list when you bring home a new puppy or kitten. It can feel overwhelming with all the different products available out there, Read More