What is a Faecal Worm Egg Count?

A faecal worm egg count (FWEC) measures the number of worm eggs contained in a sample of your horse’s dung, to indicate whether you need to give your horse a wormer or not. The life cycle of most worms involves the horse inadvertently ingesting worm eggs or larvae from the pasture. These develop in the Read More

A Seasonal Worming Schedule for Horses

Why You Need a Seasonal Worming Schedule for Horses To help keep your horse free from illness, you need a proper plan of action for controlling worms. Parasite life cycles are linked to the seasons, so your worming schedule should take into account the time of year. In addition you need to consider the problem Read More

What is PPID? (formerly known as Equine Cushing’s Disease)

What is PPID? You may be more familiar with its former name, Cushing’s disease. PPID is a hormonal disease which tends to affect ponies and horses over the age of 15. Note: Cushing’s is also a disease which can affect dogs and people, although equine Cushing’s is a different disease and has different symptoms. It’s Read More