Nutrobal Calcium and Multivitamin Powder for Birds and Reptiles is a high calcium balancer and multivitamin/mineral support with vitamin D3 for exotic species such as reptiles and birds. A palatable powder that can be dusted onto all foods.
Used as a year round maintenance formula that meets the nutritional requirements for healthy, non-breeding birds who could potentially be allergic to other ingredients.
A year-round maintenance formula for small to medium birds (including Lories, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Eclectus, Quakers, Doves & Pigeons), and meets the nutritional requirements for healthy, non-breeding, non-moulting birds.
A maintenance level nutrient formula for medium- large birds (including Pionus, Amazons, Cockatoos, Macaws and other medium/large parrots). Can be used year round, meeting the nutritional requirements for healthy, non-breeding, non-moulting birds.
A year-round formula for all medium to large parrots, especially African greys, cockatoos, large conures, electus, macaws and pionus. Other species may be switched to Adult Lifetime Formula after a 6 month conversion period.
A year round maintenance formula for small birds. It meets the nutritional requirements of healthy, non-breeding, non-moulting birds including canaries, finches, budgies (parakeets), parrotlets, cockatiels, lovebirds and other small birds.