Omega Aid Liquid for Cats and Dogs. A nutritional supplement to aid with poor skin and coat condition. The oil contains specific essential fatty acids (EFA): Omega 3 and Omega 6.
Hibiscrub Antiseptic Skin Cleanser - 250ml. A powerful antiseptic solution effective for general skin cleansing that should not be applied to open wounds. Not intended to aid with skin healing.
Complederm 250ml. An effective supplement containing EFAs that are beneficial to the skin of dogs and cats. Complederm is a balanced mix of fatty acids and co-factors which is easy to dispense and is to be given daily mixed with or on top of food.
TrizChlor Antibacterial Wound Flush for Dogs and Cats 118ml. A multi-cleanse antibacterial flush solution which can be used in the management of small wounds, cuts and abrasions.