Calming solutions for your puppy

Calming solutions for your puppy

For your puppy, starting life in a new home is a challenging time. In just a few days so many big events will happen to them.

We look at what may cause them to feel stressed and how you can help support them.

Challenges they will face:-

Calming solutions for your puppy

1)    Separation

Firstly, they will be separated from their mother and siblings.

Close to his mother, your puppy would have been constantly receiving “comforting messages” that provided reassurance. Now they are no longer with their mum, those comforting messages have gone.

Calming solutions for your puppy

2)    New home

After leaving their familiar surroundings, they will arrive in your home.

This is a completely new environment for your puppy with many things that can appear scary e.g. new people, new noises like the hoover for example plus new routines, all very different for them.

Calming solutions for your puppy

3)    Being Alone

Your puppy will get to know your family and become a family member in no time! You will soon mean the world to your pup, and they will follow you like a shadow. So imagine their feelings when you need to leave your precious new puppy home alone for the first time.

Sleeping alone is a common challenge many puppies face. During those first few nights, many owners face sleepless nights listening to their puppy crying during the early hours.

Calming solutions for your puppy

4) Training

Soon enough, you will start teaching them many new things, like lead walking, where it’s ok to toilet, where and when they can eat, where they are not allowed to sleep etc.

Calming solutions for your puppy

5)  Strangers

During walks, your puppy will also meet so many unfamiliar dogs and people!

ADAPTIL Junior is the perfect companion to help your puppy through these challenges.

ADAPTIL Junior sends “comforting messages” to help your puppy feel the same comfort and security with your family as it did with its mother, and helps them to learn better, to develop into a balanced, well-trained adult dog.

Simple to use, just pop on an ADAPTIL Junior collar and leave it on at all times for the month, ensuring your pup feels the comforting support where-ever they are during their busy day.


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